Relative Humidity Measurement

The determination of the amount of moisture in the air is essential for various applications, including assessing water damage and maintaining indoor air quality.

Tools for Measuring Relative Humidity

Hygrometers are devices specifically designed to measure relative humidity (RH). They operate using different principles, including:

  • Resistive Hygrometers: Based on changes in electrical resistance of a polymer as it absorbs moisture.
  • Capacitive Hygrometers: Measure capacitance changes in a capacitor due to moisture absorption.
  • Psychrometers: Utilize the difference in temperature between dry-bulb and wet-bulb thermometers to determine RH.

Water Damage Assessment

RH measurements are crucial for water damage assessment. Elevated RH levels indicate excessive moisture in the environment, potentially resulting in mold growth, material damage, and health issues.

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

Controlling RH is vital for maintaining comfortable and healthy indoor environments. Optimal RH levels help mitigate the growth of allergens, viruses, and bacteria.


Relative humidity measurement is a valuable tool for managing indoor air quality, detecting water damage, and ensuring the safety and comfort of buildings and their occupants. By utilizing reliable hygrometers, accurate RH data can be obtained and used to make informed decisions regarding moisture control.